.. _advanced: Advanced Usage ============== .. module:: ballast.service Advanced features and load balancer configuration options. Configuring the LoadBalancer ------------------------------- The :class:`~ballast.LoadBalancer` takes a number of configuration options in order to suit different environments. At its most basic, it just requires a :class:`~ballast.discovery.ServerList` implementation:: import ballast from ballast.discovery.static import StaticServerList servers = StaticServerList(['', '']) load_balancer = ballast.LoadBalancer(servers) Now, you can configure a :class:`~ballast.Service` with the load balancer:: my_service = ballast.Service(load_balancer) Make an HTTP request as you would with `requests` - using a relative path instead of an absolute URL:: response = my_lb_service.get('/v1/path/to/resource') # The following options are enabled by default when no other options are specified:: from ballast import rule, ping ballast.LoadBalancer( servers, # required rule=rule.RoundRobinRule(), ping_strategy=ping.SerialPingStrategy(), ping=ping.SocketPing() ) Dynamic Server Discovery ------------------------ Servers can be discovered dynamically by configuring one of the dynamic :class:`~ballast.discovery.ServerList` implementations (or creating your own) on the :class:`~ballast.LoadBalancer`. The :class:`~ballast.discovery.ServerList` is periodically queried by the :class:`~ballast.LoadBalancer` for updated :class:`~ballast.discovery.Server` objects. DNS ^^^ **NOTE:** Using DNS features requires additional dependencies. From the command line, install the DNS dependencies from pip:: $ pip install ballast[dns] To use DNS to query :class:`~ballast.discovery.Server` instances, configure a :class:`~ballast.LoadBalancer` with either a :class:`~ballast.discovery.ns.DnsARecordList` to query `A` records :: import ballast from ballast.discovery.ns import DnsARecordList servers = DnsARecordList('my.service.internal.') load_balancer = ballast.LoadBalancer(servers) Or use :class:`~ballast.discovery.ns.DnsServiceRecordList` to query `SRV` records :: import ballast from ballast.discovery.ns import DnsServiceRecordList servers = DnsServiceRecordList('my.service.internal.') load_balancer = ballast.LoadBalancer(servers) Consul REST API ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To use Consul (via HTTP REST API) to query :class:`~ballast.discovery.Server` instances, configure a :class:`~ballast.LoadBalancer` with :class:`~ballast.discovery.consul.ConsulRestRecordList` :: import ballast from ballast.discovery.consul import ConsulRestRecordList servers = ConsulRestRecordList('http://my.consul.url:8500', 'my-service') load_balancer = ballast.LoadBalancer(servers) Load-Balancing Rules -------------------- The logic of how to choose the next server in the load-balancing pool is configurable by specifying a :class:`~ballast.rule.Rule` implementation. RoundRobinRule ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :class:`~ballast.rule.RoundRobinRule` chooses each server in the load-balancing pool an equal number of times by simply looping through the collection of servers in the pool:: import ballast from ballast import rule servers = ... # defined earlier my_rule = rule.RoundRobinRule() load_balancer = ballast.LoadBalancer(servers, my_rule) PriorityWeightedRule ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :class:`~ballast.rule.PriorityWeightedRule` chooses each server in the load-balancing pool based on a combination of `priority` and `weight`. Given a pool of 5 servers with the following priority/weight values, this rule will choose priority `1` servers exclusively (unless/until all priority `1` servers are down, in which case it will move on to priority `2` servers):: # priority 1 Server(address='', priority=1, weight=60) Server(address='', priority=1, weight=20) Server(address='', priority=1, weight=20) # priority 2 (backups) Server(address='', priority=2, weight=1) Server(address='', priority=2, weight=1) Of the current priority `1` servers, the choice of server will be determined by its `weight` as a ratio. 60% of the traffic will go to `` while the remaining 40% will be split evently between `` and `` (both have the same weight):: Server(address='', priority=1, weight=60) If all priority `1` servers are down, this rule will split traffic between `` and `` equally (both have the same weight). For this rule to work correctly, it must be paired with a :class:`~ballast.discovery.ServerList` that provides `priority` and `weight` as part of its discovery (e.g. :class:`~ballast.discovery.ns.DnsServiceRecordList`):: import ballast from ballast import rule from ballast.discovery.ns import DnsServiceRecordList # use a ServerList that provides 'priority' and 'weight' servers = DnsServiceRecordList('my.service.internal.') my_rule = rule.PriorityWeightedRule() load_balancer = ballast.LoadBalancer(servers, my_rule) Pinging Servers -------------------------- The :class:`~ballast.LoadBalancer` periodically queries for servers as well as attempts to `ping` each server to ensure it's up, running and responding. This can be configured via the following standard :class:`~ballast.ping.Ping` implementations (or you can create your own): DummyPing ^^^^^^^^^ :class:`~ballast.ping.DummyPing` doesn't actually ping any servers, it just assumes the server is active - useful for testing or when otherwise not wanting to actually ping servers in the load balancing pool. Not recommended for production. SocketPing ^^^^^^^^^^ :class:`~ballast.ping.SocketPing` attempts to open a socket connection to the server. If the connection was successful, the ping is considered successful. UrlPing ^^^^^^^^^^ :class:`~ballast.ping.UrlPing` attempts to make a `GET` request to the server. If the request returns a `2xx` status code, the ping is considered successful. Ping Strategies --------------- The :class:`~ballast.LoadBalancer` initiates its periodic ping using a configurable :class:`~ballast.ping.PingStrategy`. The following strategies are available (or you can create your own): SerialPingStrategy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :class:`~ballast.ping.SerialPingStrategy` iterates through each :class:`~ballast.discovery.Server` attempting to ping each one sequentially. The time it takes for this strategy to complete is `ping time x number of servers`. It is recommended to use this strategy only when there are a (known) small number of servers. ThreadPoolPingStrategy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :class:`~ballast.ping.ThreadPoolPingStrategy` iterates through each :class:`~ballast.discovery.Server` attempting to ping each server in parallel using a :py:class:`~multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool`. The time it takes for this strategy to complete is not much longer than the time it takes for a single ping to complete. **NOTE:** this class does not play well when using `gevent `_. It's recommended to use the :class:`~ballast.ping.GeventPingStrategy` instead for gevent-based systems. MultiprocessingPoolPingStrategy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :class:`~ballast.ping.MultiprocessingPoolPingStrategy` iterates through each :class:`~ballast.discovery.Server` attempting to ping each server in parallel using a :py:class:`~multiprocessing.pool.Pool`. The time it takes for this strategy to complete is not much longer than the time it takes for a single ping to complete, however, on systems where a large number of servers are queried, it's recommended to use :class:`~ballast.ping.ThreadPoolPingStrategy` instead. **NOTE:** this class does not play well when using `gevent `_. It's recommended to use the :class:`~ballast.ping.GeventPingStrategy` instead for gevent-based systems.